Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Lectionary Poem: Common People

Lectionary Poem: Common People

The people of Israel clamored:
Give us a king!
A king, that is, other than God.

God warned them
they’d never find a king like him.

How could they, right?

I’m reminded of “Common People”

I wanna live like common people
I wanna do whatever common people do

Are you sure you want to live like common people?
You want to see whatever common people see?

The people of Israel got tired of
their special vocation,
just wanted to live like 
common people,
king, taxes, cruelty.

How? Why?

Well, here’s the thing
about being set apart:
First, you feel special.
Then, you feel put upon.

Are you sure want to live like common people?
Are you sure you want to see what common people see?

Am I sure?

Year B, Proper 5: The Third Sunday after Pentecost 
June 9, 2024 
1 Samuel 8:4-20; 11:14-15