St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Owings Mills MD
January 12, 2025
Year C: The First Sunday after the Epiphany – The Baptism of Our Lord
Isaiah 43:1-7
Psalm 29
Acts 8:14-17
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Church is a School of God’s Love
Last week, I met with several other Episcopal priests to talk about community organizing in Baltimore County.
Some of you know that community organizing is important to me. I was involved in community organizing back in Jersey City and I’ve been eager to do some of that work here – work that has already begun with our deepened relationship with Owings Mills Elementary School.
So, since community organizing obviously only happens if we partner with others, I was especially glad to attend this meeting with some of my colleagues.
But our meeting took an unexpected turn.
A community organizer who was at the meeting asked us priests a simple but actually kind of hard-to-answer question:
“What is church?”
“What is church now?”
Behind that question was the recognition that we’ve been through a lot these last few years:
We suffered through a global pandemic that sickened and killed countless people and upended our usual way of doing things everywhere, very much including here in church.
During the pandemic we quickly developed and have continued to offer online worship. This is surely a blessing. But are people who only “attend” our services virtually actually part of our community? How? What does that mean? What does that look like?
What is church now?
In our country over these last few years, we’ve faced bitter partisan divisions, losing much sense of common ground and leaving our political institutions wobbly and ineffective.
And then there are the frightening changes to our climate, the disasters that we have all witnessed, the terrors that some of our own parish families have endured, in just the last few days.
And, finally, we all know that, for all sorts of reasons, church has drifted from the center of people’s lives. Many churches have shrunk and closed. And that trend is likely to continue.
So, given all of that, what is church now?
Well, I’ll come back to that.
If you were here last week, you’ll remember that we heard the Epiphany story, the journey of the Magi to pay homage to the newborn King.
It’s a beautiful and magical story, but it’s also a story with some ominous shadows.
King Herod told the Magi that he also wanted to pay homage to the newborn king. That was a lie, of course. Herod was determined to eliminate this rival as soon as possible – so determined and so ruthless that he ordered the execution of all the children in Bethlehem.
And, as I reminded you last week, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s murderous rampage.
Like so many others, the Holy Family became a refugee family.
Well, eventually, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus made their way home, back to Nazareth.
And, aside from the charming story of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple, we know nothing about those Nazareth years, the decades of Jesus’ childhood, youth, and young adulthood.
We’re left wondering, did Mary and Joseph tell him the story? Did they tell him who he was?
Could people of Nazareth sense something about him – something special – something unique?
Or did he just live a normal life? Did he live pretty much like everybody else?
That’s what I think, but we really don’t know.
The story of Jesus resumes when, as an adult, he appears at the River Jordan and is baptized by John the Baptist.
And, as we heard in today’s lesson from the Gospel of Luke, after his baptism, Jesus was praying when the heaven was opened and the Spirit descended and the voice from heaven said, “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.”
Now, you don’t have to agree with me about this, but I think that it’s at this moment – it’s at his baptism – that Jesus discovers – or begins to discover – who he really is:
God’s Son, the Beloved, with whom God is well pleased.
And I also believe that it’s at our baptism that we discover – or we begin to discover – who we really are.
As I never get tired of saying, in the water of baptism God makes an indissoluble, unbreakable bond with us.
There’s nothing we could ever do or not do that could cause God to dissolve or break this bond.
Why does God do this?
Because God loves us.
God loves us unconditionally.
We are God’s beloved children.
The Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke all report that immediately after his baptism, the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness, where for forty days and nights he was alone and hungry and thirsty and tempted and tested by Satan.
And I would imagine that during those long wilderness days and nights, our brother Jesus must have struggled to remember his baptism – struggled to recall that he was God’s Son – that he was God’s Beloved.
More than any of Satan’s tests, maybe the greatest temptation during those hard days was to forget or dismiss his baptism – to think that it was all a dream, just a figment of his imagination.
But Jesus remembered who he was and remained faithful in the wilderness.
And, you know, my baptized sisters and brothers, today we are in the wilderness, too.
So much is uncertain and frightening.
I’m sure you noticed that two of today’s lessons plus the psalm mention fire – a force, like water, that can both purify and also destroy.
Today we are in the wilderness and maybe we are tempted to forget or dismiss the great truths that we experience in baptism – the graces that we receive in baptism.
In the wilderness, maybe we forget God’s love and give into fear and despair.
But Jesus didn’t give into temptation, and, with God’s help, we can resist temptation, too.
Even in the wilderness, even when the fires rage and the floods roar, we are beloved by God.
And God will not let go of us, no matter what.
So, what is church now?
We could talk about this all day, but in this time and place, here’s what I think:
Church is a school of God’s love.
Church is a school of God’s love.
You know, whenever I’ve had conversations about Sunday School, I’ve always said that, while I hope our children learn about our faith, that they learn some of the stories and the prayers, most of all, I hope that they feel loved here and begin to know that God loves them, no matter what.
But it’s not just children who need to learn this.
Especially in a culture that’s kind of stingy when it comes to love and compassion, a society that teaches us that we must earn everything and that we must deserve everything we get, we all need to learn and relearn that God loves us, no matter what.
Church is a school of God’s love, a school where we are all teachers and students, over and over teaching one another and learning from each other the most important lesson:
We are God’s beloved children.
This is who we really are.
And when we know this, we can endure the troubles and tragedies of life.
We are God’s beloved children.
This is who we really are.
And when we know this, we really can keep our baptismal vows, loving God’s beloved children out there, seeking and serving Christ in all persons.
We are God’s beloved children.
This is who we really are.
And church is a school of God’s love.