Friday, October 02, 2020

A Sense of Urgency

"A Sense of Urgency"

In the early days of the pandemic, I seemed to lose the ability to read more than a page or two. There was just too much on my mind, too many worries on my heart. Over time, though, I resolved to get up each morning a little earlier than usual, setting aside quiet time for reading. Sure enough, as I stuck to this discipline, my attention span gradually expanded, and those peaceful early hours have helped me cope with the demands of these difficult days.

This week, I’ve been reading a book about St. Paul, who did so much to bring the Good News of Jesus from its birthplace and out into the world. He is a central figure in Christian history, and the author of the oldest documents in the New Testament. His letters tell us something of how he understood the message and meaning of Jesus, and how he struggled to start little Jesus communities and keep them on what he saw as the right path.

St. Paul was a complicated, challenging, and sometimes even frustrating figure. He was so human. He was capable of great courage, persistence, and faithfulness. He was able to endure rejection and punishment for his work. He was sometimes insecure and judgmental, quite willing to boast of his excellent spiritual credentials. He was a religious genius, able to translate the message of Jesus for people across much of the Mediterranean world. He was competitive with other Jesus followers who offered a somewhat different gospel, one that Paul saw as deeply flawed and inferior. He had a temper, but he could also acknowledge at least some of his own weaknesses and shortcomings. And, sometimes he was heartbreakingly tender, like when he wrote to the community in Philippi, “I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.” (1:3-5)

Another aspect of Paul and his life that I’ve been thinking about a lot: he had an intense sense of urgency. Paul was convinced that God’s plan for the world was unfolding faster than anyone had expected, so there was no time to waste. This strong sense of urgency propelled Paul during the last decades of his life. He tried to share the Good News with as many people as possible and used every tool at his disposal to hold together the young and often unsteady communities that he had founded. To the end, Paul refused to give in to discouragement, even when he faced harsh rejection and bitter disappointment. There simply was no time for that.

During our time of pandemic, and economic decline, and bitter partisan political division, we have recovered at least some of Paul’s sense of urgency. Back during the earliest days of the pandemic, we scrambled to put together live-streamed worship on Sunday, managing to accomplish in just a few days what we had talked about for years. I’ve long dreamed of offering a worship service every day of the week, but it was the desperate need for connection that inspired us to create “Church By Phone.” Now, for almost six months, we have had three services every weekday (and at least one of you really wants to add Saturday, too!). A sense of urgency has pushed us to reach out to each other in new and more profound ways, ensuring that no one is left out and that everyone has what they need.

Over the past few months, I have driven several carloads of food and clothes and other donations down to Triangle Park, where many people visit our community center every day, looking for a little help during this tough time. Deacon Jill reports that DJ’s Free Market, which continues to receive an abundance of donations, has formed fruitful relationships with groups like Women Rising, Welcome Home, and our own community center. And, as I mentioned during the announcements last Sunday, The Lighthouse 2 will soon open in its new Union City location, ready to welcome asylees and refugees looking for safety and shelter in a land that has grown furiously inhospitable. I believe that God has given us this sense of urgency, inspiring us to do more, give more, find creative solutions, and help build the Kingdom of God, right here and now. Like Paul, we have realized that there is no time to waste.

We see this same sense of urgency in our national life. Far too many Americans have long been complacent about our system of government and our way of life. But now, with so much on the line, with many of our institutions bending under pressure, people seem to be waking up and realizing that we all need to do our part to protect our freedoms and to shield the most vulnerable among us. 

For as long as I have been involved with the church, we have talked about the need to move out from our beautiful sanctuaries and meet people – minister with people - out in the world. Over the years, we have taken some small steps, but it has always seemed like an extracurricular activity, something on top of the “real work” that we do inside the church. But now, while our sacred space is off-limits, God has given us a gentle but firm push. With a new sense of urgency, God is propelling us to share the Good News with way more people than ever before. We are live-streaming our service to hundreds of people every week. We are burning up the phone lines with prayer and care. We are partnering with people who buzz with energy and creativity. Like St. Paul long ago, we are on the move. We have finally realized that there is no time to waste.